Teen Therapy Group

This 8-week series is year-around on Sunday nights from 8pm-9.30pm at Your Wellness Connection (I-35 & 75th Street)
Our next series begins in February.
Ideal participants are 14-19 years old and/or in 8-12th grade that will benefit from a fun and engaging venue to improve social, emotional and executive regulation and functioning skills.
The 8-week session is $400 or $50 per session; sessions need to be paid in advance of the session.
Every session will include an element of learning, practicing and sharing.
Every participant will need to complete an intake and informed consent form.
Individual and adjacent therapy sessions are also available if interested.
To reserve your spot, text or email Stacy at 913-522-5896 or
Kick-Off – introductions, ground rules
Defining Moments & People - spend time documenting the defining people & moments in your life, learn and practice the art of acknowledgement by writing handwritten thank you notes.
Rituals & Brain Dumps - discuss the role of worry, anxiety and trauma in our lives, practice different rituals for letting go of these things.
Designing Your Life - make a list of the top 25 things you want to do in your life, identify which of these things matter today and start creating measurable and bold personal commitments and goals.
Why do I feel this way? - share and discuss psycho-educational content focused on teen mental health barriers/topics including but not limited to depression, sleep hygiene, technology/social media hygiene, substance abuse, and the role of worry and anxiety in our lives.
What can I do to feel differently? - focus on learning and practicing proven coping strategies for living a more balanced and happy life.
Friend & Sleep Hygiene -- focus on the art and science of managing healthy relationships to improve the quality of our lives and what it takes to scientifically have a good night of sleep.
Writing Your Manifesto - culminating session focused on our individual and collective learning and personal commitments.