Hello! My name is Stacy Cahalan.
While I hate bios, I love lists.
Unicorn-like enthusiasm. I have always felt unicorn-like. I started my career in corporate America and never felt like I fit in well. Once I learned I was an Enneagram #7 (Adventurer, Enthusiast), things started to click. My enthusiasm for life, the positivity and energy that I brought to the corporate environment was always appreciated but often felt out of place. Like seriously, why does she care so much? I can’t help myself.
Corporate & Counseling background. With a marketing degree and master's degrees in both business and counseling, I am feeling more at home on the planet. Humans have a lot of issues, and we take our issues with us everywhere we go. And then we wonder why humans often struggle to get along.
Courage. I love challenging currents. The older I get, the more courage I have. While I sound like a Holy Roller, I feel a wild and holy spirit inside of me and want to help everyone I encounter to be more courageous.
Communication style. I have written a whole lot of content in the last 46 years. I have published a few books and love blogging. I love writing. I love trying to get people’s attention in this noisy world with proven strategies like short sentences, word choice, wit and candor.
Finding & Loving Unrest. I am certain I was born with a few defects. One of them is a genetic inability to ignore real issues that are causing unrest. Let’s talk about the gross issues in our way. This is so much faster than pretending that we have no issues.
MANIFESTo. While some people enjoy resumes, I prefer manifestos.